Instant Data Analysis with AI
Transform data into valuable insights and visualizations in seconds
How it works
Connect your database to DataInsight in under 60 seconds
We support all major platforms
Get instant answers to your business questions
Receive immediate responses to your business queries, powered by our advanced AI-driven analytics.
Customize Your Response: Graphs or Tables
Craft your response by selecting either graphs or tables for visual representation.
Process your data with AI language models
We utilize advanced artificial intelligence to handle your data efficiently
Reliability and safety
Your data security is our priority. We employ the latest encryption technologies to protect your information.
Scalability for Growing Businesses
Our platform grows with your business. Effortlessly scale your data analysis capabilities to accommodate increasing data volumes and complexity.
No need to overpay
One platform that replaces many others. No longer need to use multiple different platforms.
Speed up the processes x5
Get quick answers to your business questions with our fast and intuitive interface.
Save for your presentation or export instantly
Easily export your analysis as Excel files for seamless integration into your reports and presentations
Chatgpt in data world
Consult with our AI to refine your queries and get the most relevant insights
Your Personal Product Analyst
Optimize Your Budget with DataInsight
*Data taken from the website*
The average salary of a product analyst starts from - 2,450 usd
Monthly Subscription to the Data Insight service - 200 usd
Get started
Try DataInsight free for the first month, and then get 50% off for the next three months
Request a demo
We will customize it to perfectly match your business requirements
The DataInsight platform supports all major databases, including Postgres, MySQL, Snowflake, BigQuery and Redshift. You can get immediate answers to your business queries thanks to advanced AI-based analytical tools.What are the advantages of using DataInsight?
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